Today is

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pssst - Politics Still Important To Gazette

Sunday's Janesville Gazette ran a front page article about seniors and the elderly being swindled out of their savings by slick talking con artists titled "Working to keep seniors secured." The article was very good and bordered on a public service message containing various groups, law departments and hotline numbers for contact help.

But would anyone think that the Gazette could have tied in a related story about senior fraud from three days earlier to add support for this feature? I'm talking about a press release from Rep. Tammy Baldwin who helped introduce legislation to prevent mail, telemarketing, and Internet fraud targeting seniors.
Baldwin combats fraud targeting seniors
“I am constantly receiving word from senior constituents who are being preyed on by fraudulent marketing schemes, offers, and promotions. This is a serious problem and our bipartisan legislation offers some constructive solutions to protect senior citizens from fraud,” said Rep. Baldwin.
History has shown, had this legislation involved Rep. Paul Ryan instead of Baldwin, they most likely would have linked the two stories together as a main feature. I'll admit, omissions like this are difficult to attribute but it is for that reason that makes the Baldwin snub so obviously political.
McCain Grandstanding Crisis

After McCain announced the suspension of his campaign and also wants to postpone the debate, experts are saying.....
JG Excerpt:
McCain campaign move's a highly dramatic move, but we have to realize these are highly unusual times during a presidential campaign. He says McCain is attempting to establish that he can act as a leader and reach across the aisle.
Dramatic as in “drama queen.” McCain is desperate and playing the same politics of old. He is not only grandstanding a national crisis for the sake of his own political career, but he is also overstepping his bounds with the current president. GWB IS still president. And for someone who admitted knowing very little about the workings of the economy, having a deregulator like McCain participate in the financial fix is like having a gorilla with a hammer adjust the valve lash on a Lamborghini. He’s in way over his head.

McCain has now painted himself in a corner regarding the scheduled debate. If he doesn’t show up, it’ll prove he can’t chew gum and talk at the same time. And if McCain leaves his chair empty at the debate - people will remember on November 4th. If he shows up........he blinked. It's a win-win situation for Obama.

Wednesday's Gazette contained an op-ed written by State Rep. Judy Robson titled Why must politics pit corporations vs teachers.
JG Excerpt:
But WMC’s tactics are more destructive than constructive. Instead of telling the world what a great place Wisconsin is to do business, they badmouth our state as a “tax hell.” This, despite the fact that numerous Wisconsin corporations pay zero corporate income taxes here, including 12 corporations whose executives sit on the WMC Board of Directors.
After reading Robson’s clear and concise perspective about the partisans who defend the actions of the WMC by pitting their motives against supporters of education as an equal and fair adversary, I can only disagree with the title. It should have read, “Why must corporations pit politics against education.”
Gazette titles story Michelle Obama targets women, young voters. Targets??
Sunday's Sound Off
On democrats: Why are the Democrats complaining that Vice President Cheney had five military deferments? Now we find out that mouthy Joe Biden had five deferments, and Bill Clinton refused to serve in the military. Where are the left-handed media now talking about Biden's five deferments, including your Gazette? -- anonymous
Two words can explain the differences between these men and their deferments because only one of them has been quoted as saying he had "other priorities" than military service in the 1960s. Yet despite being the only "chicken hawk of the three, if Cheney can serve as vice-president - Biden should be able to wing-it easily. But clumping the Gazette in together with the "left-handed" media because of a seeming lack of discussion over Biden's deferments is absurd. Give the right-wing Gazette some time, the campaign is still young.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

McCain blinked! The debate is on. You can check for a Debate Party nearest you by clicking this link.

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