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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Palin’s Pride Poster Child For Abstinence?

Chicago Tribune Excerpt:
“We're proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support." The parents say their daughter will marry the young man.
Pro-Life is a Pro-Choice decision.
Surprise Pregnancy Excerpt:
Republicans appointed committees, approved a platform—which supports abstinence education in schools—and watched video messages from Gulf state governors.
The Bible-toting Palin’s are left with the burden to prove that pregnancy out of wedlock is not only acceptable, it is just as wanted as the baby is.


RichE95 said...

Wouldn't life be more convenient for the Palin's if they would simply kill the babies?

Lou Kaye said...

That's a poor statement.

If they aborted, they would be even bigger hypocrtites than they already are. The Palin's are Pro-Choice and they "CHOSE" life. With people like the Palins, women are very lucky they have any choice at all.

Sarah Palin is hardcore "abstinence only." Shouldn't that mean something to her own children? This will be a huge issue for the "family values" Sarah. Where has she been? Who's been taking care of the family?

After viewing some photos of Bristol partying with her friends, and taking care of her mother's babies, it's beginning to look like the pressures of motherhood has finally gotten to the seventeen-year-old. She decided to become one herself. I can't blame her.

RichE95 said...

Agreed, it was a poor statement as was the blog entry raising internal family issues that have always been out of bounds. Difficulties happen in virtually all families regardless of what the family teaches. Sex education, birth control, and abortion have become the norm in the last 40 years. Yet, the out of wedlock birth rate has soared among all demographic groups. Should the availability and use of birth control be blamed? Of course not - sometimes it succeeds and sometimes it fails - just like abstinance education. I would oppose an attack on parents in those cases also. One poor statement may deserve another.

Lou Kaye said...

Rich, Sarah Palin is abstinence "ONLY" and that's very important to remember regarding the circumstances surrounding the Palin family. Politicians (mostly republicans) trot out their families onto the stage all the time as if it has some influence on the voters. Family values, yadda, yadda.

It works both ways, there's nothing wrong with saying that the Palin's are left with the burden to prove the pregnancy is just as wanted as the baby is. Or the marriage is. They made the bed, not bloggers or democrats - they have to sleep in it.

RichE95 said...

You are right. They should be left with the burden. They seem to accept that burden with joyful attitude toward life. I am not a right to lifer but I have to respect a person who does accept the burden of their faith. That is much more admirable than a self centered life of gratification without responsibility.

Lou Kaye said...

Hey - we agree on something.

RichE95 said...

Wow - let me rethink my position. Just Kidding. I enjoyed the exchange.

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