Today is

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Don't Expect Change With City Manager's Retirement

Monday's Janeville City Council meeting included a speech by retiring City Manager Steve Sheiffer. He laid out some of the city's accomplishments during his long (21 years) and honorable service. Despite the apparent power vacuum that will follow, city residents shouldn't expect any changes in the city's demeanor, policy or process. It's still stay the course.

I wish Mr. Sheiffer a long, healthy and happy retirement.

Several other seemingly harmless issues were also bandied about during the meeting. One of them was a resolution to allow public use of the council chambers for public meetings held by community groups such as the League of Women Voters for candidate debates. Excluding one council member, the council began to immediately draw on building security and discrimination concerns regarding public use as justification to eventually deny the request.

But I’m thinking………where did I hear something like this before?
Rock Netroots:
May, 2007 - But whether it was the new four-court gyms of the Janesville School Referendum or the newly renovated Janesville City Hall kitchen complete with LCD TV, one of hot selling points brought up to convince the taxpayers to open their wallets is the idea that these facilities can be used by the public for various events and community activities.
I would guess by now that community-use functions of a taxpayer built facility is no longer considered a selling point.

On a different issue and one guaranteed to raise a loud protest will be sidewalks.........again.

Remember, last year the council decided to move forward on sidewalks by voting to suspend their installation in areas of the city where there are none. In the meantime the city has continued with their sidewalk repair program by marking existing sidewalks with defects as little as one-half inch out of alignment for replacement and sending the homeowner the bill. Certainly, the gloomy local economic forecast will be playing a larger role in these decisions. Which leads me to this. Why is the economy of those already with sidewalks in front of their homes any different than the economy of those without sidewalks?

And finally near the end of the council meeting, Janesville Councilman Yuri Rashkin suggested those opposed to government (Janesville’s non-district at-large form and absence of citizen's appeals) should take up their crusade for individual property owners in Russia – where they chase reformers across the border and poison them.

Democratic National Convention
Hillary Clinton gave a fabulous speech Tuesday night in support of Barack Obama. She coined a cutesy "No Way, No How, No McCain" campaign slogan and mentioned how fitting it was for the party of George W. Bush and McCain to hold their convention in the "Twin" Cities. But perhaps the best line was this simple yet convincing point she aimed at her supporters to dispel any lingering doubts. "Don't tell me you were in this campaign just for me."

Vote Obama! The alternative is unacceptable.

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