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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Ryan Inconsistent With Wealthy Partisans

Monday's Janesville Gazette contained an article publicizing the newest target of Rep. Paul Ryan's Boondoggle Budget Award. Other than a mostly partisan bias, I have no idea what criteria he uses to judge recipients for this supposed sarcastic award, but this time he chose to verbally disqualify the recipients of the federal subsidies because of their wealth.
JG Excerpt:
Among the recipients were: at least two billionaires, a former chief executive officer of Seagrams and numerous Wall Street power brokers. Additionally, a member of the prestigious Rockefeller family has received $228,000 in subsidies in the past five years, Ryan said.
I certainly don't have a problem with closing down welfare for the wealthy, but this is highly unusual for Ryan when you consider he voted NO on ending federal subsidies to mega-profit Big Oil AND thought it was a bad idea closing offshore business loopholes to help pay for AMT relief.

Even in his hometown of Janesville, Ryan (in a resident capacity) was silent when city officials gave a billionaire residential developer a $2.7 million water tower to supply their special terrain elevations paid for on the backs of current city residents, and never speaks out against other taxpayer handouts and TIF perks to local deep-pocketed businessmen. Apparently in Janesville those are his homies.

Never regarded for the blackmail they are, those hand-outs have been fiercely defended in his hometown and on Capitol Hill as a necessary partnership and a job growth tool regardless of the recipient's wealth. Why Ryan would target the recipient's wealth in this case is anybody's guess.

Note: Article "Budget Boondoggle Award to Ag Dept." was written by Gazette Staff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God Bless

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