Today is

Friday, March 28, 2008

Rip Rap

Corporate taxes not only burden paid by workers, consumers

Two writers of a Chicago Tribune commentary article answer the question, “Who really pays for health care?”
Tribune Excerpt:
Business, government and individuals do not share the financial responsibility for health coverage. Individuals bear the full cost of health care through lower wages and taxes.
The writers then proceed to single out only employers from this social burden.
Tribune Excerpt:
We need to rewrite the social contract in America. We need to get employers out of providing health care.
First they tell us, regardless of what we might think, individuals pay the full cost of health insurance right now. Fair enough but then, in order to solve the health care crisis, they explain individuals must pay the full cost of health insurance..... but first remove employers from the burden - a burden that they say actually doesn’t exist. Please.... somebody keep Victor and Zeke away from a keyboard.

Clinton's Memory Just As Sharp

The GOP publisher and media base have been having a field day with Hillary Clinton’s recollection of events in Bosnia from 12 years ago. But what is so different from that now than when Bush or McCain fly into Iraq under the cloak of night, wear bullet-proof vests and helmets and walk the streets of Baghdad with a security escort armed to the teeth, and never once coming under direct fire. Is the danger any less?

Flip-Flopping McCain

Here he goes again. After talking like a war crazy loon for the past five years, McCain suddenly wants to sound half-way normal. This guy is incompetent in different ways than George W. Bush ever was. McCain’s got an excuse.

Obama Girl Farce

Now that Obama supporters think the Obama Girl is detrimental to his presidential campaign, she's now called a GOP tool and a farce

Hey, I could've said this
"Republicans believe in the free market for profit,
but they're Socialists when it comes to losses."
-- Bill Maher

Always Read and Understand The Side Effects Before Administering

Sick Child Under Prayer Medication Dies

"We are remaining strong for our children," she said. "Only our faith in God is giving us strength at this time."
What a sad story. Even worse is to believe so strongly as to allow yourself no choices in life because you believe it's all in God's hands. Hopefully, God will be listening this time when they pray not to be arrested.

At the time, if this couple was praying with their TV set while watching the 700 Club, could Pat Robertson be held as an accomplice?

Military Tells Bush Of Troop Strains.
Can’t you just picture Dick Cheney just saying “So?”

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton
Washington Post:
I am very loyal to the Clintons," said Richardson, but he said he wanted something beyond "Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton."
“I’m not going to get in the gutter like that, and that’s symbolic of many of the people around Sen. Clinton. They think they’re entitled to the presidency,” said Richardson. “It shouldn’t just be Bush-Clinton, Bush-Clinton, you know, what about the rest of us...
Supporters of Barack Obama’s have had their own battles to deal with when it comes to stigmatizing names. Hopefully someone will clue Richardson in that there IS NOTHING in a name.

Bottom Line: I will defend and support the Demo candidate for president, no matter who it is. Question for my fellow democrats is – will you?


Anonymous said...

I think the writers of the health care article want to remove the employer's sponsorship role of health care. But you're right, they did say workers pay total cost for it now and to correct the problem, should keep doing the same but without the employer connection.

This might cause costs to rise because "individuals" pay much more than groups.

Anonymous said...

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Hussein. That'll go over big.

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