Today is

Friday, February 29, 2008

McCain's Hit Song "Bomb Iran"


McCain Loan Could Violate Donor Privacy

McLame's Immigration Insanity

Tom DeLay Disses McCain

John McCain and Our Second Amendment

John McCain's Skeleton Closet

The Conservative Case Against McCain

John McCain's Temper Preceded Vietnam

John McCain's Record of Economic Issues

The Conservative Case Against Huckabee And McCain

McCain Walks Into Conservative Clothesline

John McCain Is No Hero
Hello John Kerry.

U.S. Senator John McCain Is No War Hero

Flashback: The Real John McCain

Why Vietnam Vets Split on McCain

Luck Of The Admiral's Son Not For "Grunts"

ARIZONA'S JOHN McCAIN: A Fraud, "Rhinestone Hero," and National Security Risk

MSNBC questions McCain's temper; Reporter says McCain vexes Senate colleagues


nailgunner said...

Thanks for the information.

nailgunner said...

To date; I have always voted 3rd party in all presidential elections. I have both ethical and spiritual concerns about participating in the ever popular Us vs. Them mindset. I read on the JEA web site that Quint Studer is actively working towards changing this concept by inviting local school board and school administration members to participate in his program. Perhaps this will be beginning of measurable and meaningful change within our community. My hope is that the concept will become contagious and spread.

Lou Kaye said...

Bravenew Films putting a humorous touch on sad, yet very serious statements from a front-running presidential candidate was too good to pass up.

The Janesville Taxpayer Board (School) has become a huge disappointment for me.

It's always smart to keep an open mind on everything. It's kind of unfortunate that it takes an "expert" or a "consultant" to show some people the way, regardless of their education. The old saying "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" seems to fit.

nailgunner said...

I enjoyed the video and I earned a lot from your links to McCain articles. My daily news sources are the CNN web site, NPR and an occasional "Frontline" or "Bill Moyers" on PBS. I do find it difficult to follow NPR when that dang nail gun is in action! We dropped the Gazette but simultaneously picked up "Rocknetroots". No regrets there! Keep up the good work.

Lou Kaye said...

I look at many sources also, but I keep a close eye on the local mainstream. I believe that all national and state progress and change in government and media must begin at the local level. In many ways it's more difficult to express because some folks are sensitive and immediately become defensive in a community as clicky as Janesville is.

Thank you for the compliment. But please keep in mind that I don't write new's reports. This is mostly about pushing back at our corrupted and degraded Fourth Estate media.

nailgunner said...

Right now I'm pretty busy with that link to Carlyle. Thanks

Baby Bedding said...

God bless.

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