Today is

Thursday, January 03, 2008

With Crisis Looming, Surplus Refund Looks Dumb

The Janesville school district has been very lucky in recent years that they've been able to build up a budget surplus. Good news for education in Janesville? Not quite…….

JG Excerpt:
Evert (superintendent) has said the board must be prudent, because although the district has been lucky with health-care costs in recent years, it's only a matter of time before it's hit with a surge in high-cost payouts.
Without a teachers contract and "it's only a matter of time" prudence, what better time is there than now to rebate $1.5 million to the taxpayers, heh?


Anonymous said...

Can you supply a link to the article on the school board decision and vote on the reserve fund rebate?

A big fan

Lou Kaye said...

Here's the link:Tax Levy Reduced

Excerpt: But other board members thought that was dipping too far into the fund balance, so Cullen backed off to a level that the board adopted unanimously, $1.5 million total.

Anonymous said...

Since when is the balance in a reserve fund a surplus before you know what your expenses are?

The screw board had no business dipping into those funds if education is their priority.

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