Today is

Monday, January 07, 2008

Janesville Council Tilts The Table

No surprise here, but the Janesville City Council, in a unanimous decision voted to hold a primary in hopes of weeding out the eight “fringe” candidates from the pool of eleven running for three open at-large city council chairs. In a move designed to game their own “progressive” system, it is expected that the voters will comply.

No doubt, the cost of the primary played a huge part in the decision. But because the primary for council will be held at the same time of the Wisconsin presidential primary, costs will be low enough for the city to continue mowing Lustig Park.

Here's an insightful comment from the previous post during Monday afternoon that I felt lifted the fog.
Given that the council is going to vote on this is a charade in itself. Three open seats at-large guarantees that no candidate will be elected with a solid majority, even if it's down to six. Primaries are used in democratic elections to produce a candidate chosen by a majority. That doesn't exist in Janesville. Without representative district government, the fix is in. -- TJ
Thanks TJ.

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