Today is

Thursday, December 06, 2007

GM, UAW Targeting Health Care

If it's not a misplaced title, then it's a misleading one:
GM, UAW Set To Spark Health Care Revolution
JG Excerpt:
“We’re viewing it as an opportunity to work with the union leadership and their retired members to design a better mousetrap that keeps them healthier, have a better standard of living and reduces the cost of providing that,” Carter said.
If you really want to reduce health care costs for UAW union workers and retirees – you’re talking to the wrong people, they build cars. However, if your goal is to design a business model to cut employer health care obligations, reduce employee benefits to boost dividends and adapt an American labor union to compete with unregulated global labor practices and compensation - I guess it could be called a revolution.

Congress redesigns the automobile with CAFE, auto manufacturers
reform? health care, and mortgage lenders won't charge high interest rates ONLY IF borrowers can prove they can't afford to pay the high rates. Is the world upside-down or just sideways?

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