Today is

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Capital Rally BDN Excerpt:
About 600 state prison inmates currently housed in jails under contracts with 15 Wisconsin counties will be removed starting in December to help save money, Department of Corrections Secretary Rick Raemisch told counties in a letter released Wednesday. How to accommodate those prisoners in already overcrowded state prisons is being examined, Raemisch said.
This is where those 350 protesters of the group Americans For Prosperity along with their republican cohorts can put their tax dollars where their mouths are and each can take home two inmates to “save money.” Start up a new pledge drive: Adopt-a-Convict. Just think of the tax savings here.

Luckily for us only a small niche is effected by high energy prices.
Title Drivers Beware: Oil At All-Time High

BDN Editorial Time to carve Budget into pieces:
We think Wisconsin should give up on these people. Next election, vote them out. All of them. Both sides. Turn out all the incumbents and start over, with a new crop. Maybe, after an incumbent bloodbath, the new ones would get it. For awhile.
Terrible advice. I can’t imagine what kind of a state government we would have if leaders didn’t stand on their principles and feel as strongly as they do. I wouldn’t want it any other way. The lack of politics only happens at the demand of a dictatorship. As always when the Democrats pursue common ground they are drawn up to look like they have no backbone.

I’m not saying the democrats compromised everything, but canning good hardworking legislators over this is exactly what the Republicans want. If people followed the suggestions of the BDN editor(s), the GOP can celebrate “mission accomplished.”

Add Armenian Issue To List Of Bush Follies
Armenian National Committee Of America:
"The twentieth century was marred by wars of unimaginable brutality, mass murder and genocide. History records that the Armenians were the first people of the last century to endure these cruelties.The Armenians were subjected to a genocidal campaign that defies comprehension and commands all decent people to remember and acknowledge the facts and lessons of an awful crime in a century of bloody crimes against humanity. If elected President, I would ensure that our nation properly recognizes the tragic suffering of the Armenian people." -- George W. Bush, 2-19-2000
Uses the suffering of the Armenian people in an election stunt. Shame.

Bush said his veto pen was one way to ensure that he is still relevant; that it ensures his involvement in the process.
Bush Vetoes Shut Down Congress:
Bush said Congress, under Democratic control for nine months, has not "managed to pass many important bills. "I'm looking forward to getting some things done for the American people," Bush said. "And if it doesn't get done, I'm looking forward to reminding people as to why it's not getting done."
Will shut down the country with his veto pen then blame the democrats for it. What a guy! Huh? This here President Bush.

But why doesn't Gov. Doyle spin his veto power like this. Instead state Republicans rip into Doyle over his propensity to remain "relevant," yet they are willing to hold the state hostage. How does a minority party do this? Why aren’t they called obstructionists and partisan extremists by the mainstream press.

The Chinese central bank is reducing the amount of money available for lending in an effort to cool the investment boom. Whaaaa?
Money CNN:
The bank said in a statement on its Web site that it had raised the rate by half a percentage point to 13 percent to "strengthen liquidity management in the banking system and check the excessive credit growth."
Leave it to a communist country to take precautions against “excessive credit growth.” Just the opposite of what we do in America. Here, the greater the debt, the greater the incentive to keep working for less and less and the more stakeholders there are sharing in the overall burden. When it crashes - we all crash. Hurry join now!!

Mitt And Rudy are flip-floppers to the "n"th degree. Yet Steve Chapman from the Chicago Tribune defends their philosophical instability and vote-pandering as an entertaining evolution and re-enforces their view of liberal politics as merely "youthful indiscretions." If only John Kerry had such apologetic "attacks" when he changed his mind.

Quote of the Month
Madison.Com Excerpt:
"Government does not create these jobs. Ken Hendricks creates these jobs, but government has partnered with him to provide the incentives to get that investment here." – Rep. Phil Wise (Democrat?)
Iowa State legislator explaining that without government hand-outs and backroom deals, billionaires would see no reason to create these jobs.

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