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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Bush Doesn''t Give a SCHIP

The political rhetoric heated up over the past couple days regarding the Bush veto of SCHIP. Fortunately, people are catching on about the consequences resulting from the uninsured. SCHIP is more a conservative program about preventive maintenance than it is socialism and only hardcore special-interest republicans continue to stand firm with Bush on this issue. They take every chance they get at labeling the vetoed expansion program as socialism or health care for illegal immigrants.

Despite being one of those bills receiving rare bi-partisan support, Bush vetoed it. But the one thing they could have done better was in advertising and public relations. Democrats should have played Rovian-style politics by painting the expanded program as a tax break for middle-class families. It would have been much harder to resist, particularly with another election coming up in 2008.

Bush Vetoes SCHIP
Kaley wrote:
Maybe the middle class families would be able to afford health insurance if other costs weren't constantly being raised to pay for the illegals, it's just a never ending circle. The illegals don't need anymore health coverage, last year the government gave a billion dollars to hospitals to help illegals, wonder where that came from.
My response: Hey, I won't argue your point. But that is the illegal immigration issue - it's huge. But because politicians didn't "fix" it doesn't mean everything else should come to a standstill including healthcare. Costs are skyrocketing. We hear that our economy wouldn't survive without the 20 million illegals but they’re killing our health care? Health care for all is part of the economy.

In Wednesday’s Sound Off anonymous column in the Janeville Gazette, we had this remark.
JG Sound Off:
On Democrats:
They’re going to tax the rich for everything they propose. Hillary Clinton just proposed giving $5000 to each baby that is born; this was in front of the NAACP. It doesn’t take a real smart person to understand that this isn’t going to work. – anonymous

Are you sure they’re going to tax the rich? I won’t believe it till I see it. I hope Democrats are saying this because that’s 5% of the population they can afford to lose. But the comment about the $5000 for every baby ain’t so bad when you consider each baby owes $27,000 the moment they’re born, not from the hospital bill, but from Bush and his tax-cut GOP Congress. Why should politicians talk taxes when they can sell the debt off to a foreign country? Everything is built on debt – they want it that way to keep you hungry. Only someone like Archie Bunker knows what the commenter meant by “in front of the NAACP,” I won’t even go there.

If Bush paid for his war with paygo, there would be a $20 tax on a pack of cigarettes. But he gets the easy way out, he sells off the war note to China or Saudi Arabia so every newborn owes $27,000 before the cord is cut. Then he says "we don't have a revenue problem - we have a spending problem." Veto's a $35 billion pay-as-you-go health care expansion while asking Congress to sell off $200 billion in debt to foreign countries. Sicko!!

1 comment:

tetricus said...

May of my thoughts echoed...

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