Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Strive For Better Pay And Benefits - Support Unions

Things are fairly quiet in Janesville considering the midnight hour is just around the corner regarding UAW and teacher union contracts.
JG Sound Off:
On GM Workers:
Go fight, Janesville GM workers; at least your pay and benefits are equitable to the work that you do. Try being a teacher. -- anonymous
But you know it’s coming. Anarcho-capitalists, conservatives, Republicans, libertarians and corporatists living, working and residing in Rock County are licking their chops at the thought of UAW union concessions. They can’t wait. The first thing their media enablers will do is draw up charts and peer statistics comparing percentages of any new UAW wage and benefits concessions to others in the area – but primarily to teachers unions. This will go on for months.

There is a lot riding on the negotiations not only for GM workers in Janesville or the teachers unions but for everybody else – even the seven dollar and hour workers will lose if union workers must sacrifice. Don’t give up without a fight and all workers regardless of union affiliation should be supporting their cause.
JG Sound Off:
On Teacher Contract:
Only “about 200 of the 800-plus teachers came to the meeting” Page 7A, Thursday. This shows most don’t care enough about their contract to attend a meeting. If you expect public sympathy on this contract, forget it. -- anonymous
To the contrary, that was a great turnout. For one thing it showed that enough teachers are concerned enough to make a stand and show support for their leadership. Any more and I’d say they have a problem. So, one out of four ain’t bad. Try to get one out of four Janesville residents to show up at City Hall to stand up against council rubber-stamping. You’d be lucky to get one brave soul out of 62,000.
JG Sound Off:
On Health Care:
If we get the government involved, it will be like the motor vehicle division or the post office - go stand in line and wait. -- anonymous
This rant or one with the same message is printed at least once a month in the paper. But this person may have a point. You mean it will be affordable for everyone? But universal health care IS NOT government-run health care. The actual health care will still be provided by private enterprise competing for your business. The only reason why people don't stand in line and wait for health care now is because the lines aren't clogged by all the people who need help but by only those who can afford it.

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