Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Friday, September 07, 2007


Bush knew Saddam had no WMD The intelligence was ALWAYS RIGHT.
After cutting his ties to bathroom solicitor Larry Craig, we now learn that Mitt Romney’s national finance committee co-chairman Alan Fabian was charged with mail fraud, money laundering, bankruptcy fraud, perjury and obstruction of justice. This is strange indeed – a republican presidential candidate’s potential future cabinet getting busted BEFORE they have a chance to further wreck the country.
CEO gets $31.9 million for four months!!!
Driving Ford into the ground.
When Ford CEO Mulally was asked last week about criticism of his compensation, he said that leadership counts. Ford could hire steal me for $25 million for a whole year and they will not lose $12.6 billion like they did under Mulally. I’m sooooo confident that if they do lose more, I’ll return half of the $25 million.
Bush Fuzzy Math

Allan Sloan from Fortune magazine stated Bush’s projected deficit of $158 billion is padded with billions in borrowed money making the deficit really closer to $448 billion.

But Sloan may have missed something – those nasty little annual “one-time appropriations” the president requests to keep the soldiers in Iraq are NOT included in the national budget. Although the budget includes about $50 billion in anticipated spending on the wars in Afganistan and Iraq, Bush has consistently gone over that figure by an average of $60 billion a year, putting the “real” national budget deficit for 2007 at $508 billion.

I can hear Bush defenders already. But when Bill Clinton padded his budget figures with borrowed money, at least his produced a surplus.
After convincing Americans that they should not fear his warrantless eavedropping with “you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide” assurance. Bush now wants to grant legal immunity to telecommunications companies that are slapped with privacy suits for cooperating with the White House's warrantless eavesdropping program. Why? They should have nothing to fear if they have nothing to hide.
Rove warning Bush back in 2000 about choosing Dick cheney for his vice-president is like Freddy Krueger warning the boogey man that hockey-mask Jason is lurking in the closet.

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