Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Globalists: Pushing Americans Off A Cliff

Tuesday’s Janeville Gazette contained two editorials. One, a rather neutral if not outright shallow editorial about the nationwide GM-UAW strike. The other, an open letter to Gov. Jim Doyle blaming him for what appears to be their own (GOP) party endorsement inadequacies.
JG Editorial Excerpt:
So are Democrats really bargaining in good faith? Not in our book.
The paper also ridicules Senate tax increases as tough to swallow but then approves of the $1.25 cigarette tax increase because studies have shown taxpayers are forced to pay up to $500 million annually in medical costs directly tied to smoking.

The newspaper then urges residents to remind those stubborn (taxpayer protecting) Republicans of these numbers. The Gazette editors are convinced of this, so therefore it must be true.

But the UAW strike editorial is far more telling once again of the newspaper’s position with the local autoworkers union. Reminding readers of GM workers pay and benefits as if something to be ashamed of, and questioning the wisdom of the strikers.
JG Editorial Excerpt:
Local GM workers get hourly pay and benefits that most Janesville residents can only dream about. Why, many residents wonder, would they be so crass as to strike given GM's perilous finances? Do they want to chase more jobs overseas?
Not once in this lightweight editorial did they make any attempt to explain or defend the union position as the only position workers must take if they want to have any chance slowing the exodus of manufacturing jobs. Not once did the editors question the wisdom of CEO's, executives and upper management taking HUGE pay increases and bonuses when concessions are required to save the company.

Corporatists and investment profiteers are committed to the globalization agenda and will blame anything they can for turning their backs on American workers. If it's not health care costs, it's the unions, if it's not the unions then it's government regulations, and if it's not government regulations it's pensions, entitlements, competition or anything else they can think of for workers to forfeit to "save their jobs." Experts have said GM is holding all the cards, but the only one that matters is the turn your back on America card - the exit card - so it's entirely up to them whether this strike continues.

Some industry observers think the UAW's position is a bluff or just political theatre. I wouldn't be so sure.

Paul Ryan Votes Against Expanding SCHIP
The Excerpt:
"More government-run, big-bureaucracy health care that pushes people out of private coverage isn’t the answer to our health care crisis,” Ryan said
Ryan....explaining why the current free market system of healthcare has failed but should not be tampered with, particularly by the government.

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