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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Republicans Ending Bush War This Fall?

It’s been over four months since Rep. Paul Ryan gave his Iraq report back in February and so far, things look pretty much the same as they did six months ago or sixteen months ago for that matter. Around February 22nd, Ryan said…..
Ryan Excerpt:
"It's going to be tough. Within three months we'll know whether momentum is headed in the right direction; and we'll know within six months whether the results will begin to materialize or not."
People often ask what victory would look like, but what does right direction momentum look like? We are now closing the books on the deadliest quarter for U.S. troops in Iraq since the March 2003 invasion. Is that the right momentum? Both Bush and Cheney tend to view an increase in violence as signs of progress against a desperate enemy. Does Ryan feel the same way?

Over the weekend I received Ryan’s 2007 Constituent Update & Issue Summary and for some reason he has the battle for freedom in the 21th Century aka as the War on Terrorism listed near the bottom of his priorities. He writes…..
Ryan Constituent Report Excerpt:
We must never lose sight of the threat that Al-Qaeda represents to our freedom. I recently visited Iraq and have concerns about the “surge” strategy, but withdrawing now would create a terrorist haven. Regardless of the plan’s success, commanders say U.S. troop withdrawals may begin this fall, as the Iraqis assume control of their country.
Huh? Regardless of the plan’s success, commanders say U.S. troop withdrawals may begin this fall? Ok, I repeated his words, but the second time with a question mark. There’s some double-speak in there and the trends are clear, both the MSM and the GOP including politicians like Ryan and Lugar are back-pedaling away from Bush as fast as they can.

I'm certainly not questioning their patriotism. Heck, they're just as patriotic as I am. But do they know their actions will only embolden the enemy? Why do they want to aid the enemy? They're making a political statement, but is it not wrong for our troops and our country? What does Cheney think of these post-surge defeatists? Why are the Republicans and the commanders setting up our troops for certain defeat?

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