Today is

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Pinnacle Of Privatization: Public School TaxPayers

If it’s one thing taxpayers can use some relief from, it’s the portion of their property taxes that pays for the local public schools. In his efforts to slash and burn education, one Wisconsin lawmaker proposed an idea that stinks to high heaven simply because it targets a specific group of workers to pay for their own advanced schooling. But upon further examination, if this concept were spread over the entire pool of all employers in the state or even the country – it just might work.
JG Excerpt:
Also on the chopping block is UW-Extension's School For Workers, which has trained union leaders for more than 70 years. Nass (R), whose plan would eliminate its $932,800 state subsidy, said unions should fund the school.
Before you jump to conclusions think about this a moment. Why not push all school funding onto all businesses, organizations, hospitals, retail stores, legal services, corporations, private security firms, you name it, through a new tax on profits. Why shouldn’t all businesses fund the public schools to pay for the education and training of their future employees – why just pick on unions? With the push to privatize everything under the sun, perhaps it’s time to include the paying chores of our public educational institutions onto the same entities that profit from privatization in the first place. It’s time they take direct fiscal responsibility for the training and education of their workers, union members and professionals. If Nass thinks a special interest group like unions can afford to do it, then certainly the rest can too.

Some people might think this a far-left concept. But just ask Nass because fundamentally, it's his idea.

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