Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Thursday, June 14, 2007

On Anti-GM, Wages And Tricks

Apparently the Gazette has been getting some flak over their presentation of some recently released GM factory productivity reports, enough for the editor to clarify that the Gazette is not anti-GM. I agree, but if they’re not mixing words here, they’re mixing definitions.
JG Sound Off Excerpt:
On Editor’s views: The Gazette does seem negative toward General Motors. Any other papers reporting on the same issue do report much more positively. No one even remembers the strike 40 years ago, so that’s really a lame excuse. But I do remember a time when the Gazette was not so negative toward GM, and those were much tougher times for GM. -- anonymous
I don’t know how everybody is defining GM. Are we defining GM as the white-collar corporate behemoth or as the giant Suburban parked in the driveway? Or are we defining GM by the quality of their assembly-line workers OR by the unions, wages and benefits they represent?

The Janesville Gazette owes much of their sizable wealth to the success of the GM plant. Unlike some of the retail giants on the Northeast side, GM brings cash into Janesville so the old saying “how goes GM goes Janesville” still stands, and by Janesville that includes the Gazette. So I can’t see the Gazette ripping corporate GM, it would be against their political religious beliefs. And I can’t see the Gazette making a personal argument, whether right or wrong, against the workers because they are subscribers and that would hurt the paper's profits.

With the Gazette, they have everything to gain by editorializing about Janesville’s top-notch work force, with or without performance and productivity reports. But if everyone agrees that the Gazette as an entity leans heavily to the right, supports and promotes the Republican agenda enough to be labeled as a rubber stamp themselves, then it should be obvious ideologically speaking, they are anti-union. Not to be confused with anti-GM or anti-workforce. But would they ever admit it? Not in a million years. In fact, they tip-toed through this public relations minefield by already placing the blame for any possible inefficiencies at GM on the age and layout of the plant.

When was the last time anybody can remember the Gazette making a case promoting/supporting higher wages, fewer hours, and better benefits for union workers?

When was the last time the Gazette editorialized that union workers should have to co-pay for health benefits to balance a budget or take pay cuts to remain competitive?

JG Sound Off Excerpt:
On presidential candidates: The Democratic candidates say they were tricked by President Bush. Do you want a president who can be too easily tricked? -- anonymous
Admitting you’ve been tricked is half the battle to recovery. Apparently, this caller still prefers to be hoodwinked by the Republican candidates who are staying the course in denial with the decider and the deception.

JG Sound Off Excerpt:
On low wages: You would think that with all the stuff our government has gotten this country into that they would want to reap the maximum possible from the working people in the form of taxes on wages. But by conspiring with the corporate people to keep wages low and allowing illegal aliens to work, aren’t we just screwing ourselves out of tax revenue? -- anonymous
EXACTLY! I couldn’t have said it better myself. I’ll flatter myself by saying this caller reads this web page because this rant is another one of my economic theories to prosperity for all. I might add that the non-tax paying worker is not only getting screwed out of a decent wage but also being cheated out of sharing in the costs to keep America strong – all for the sake of corporate profits for the few.

It really hurts that our Congressmen have been legislating this into law and helping corporate interests screw our country, particularly those republican compassionate conservatives.

This all began with Ronald Reagan, a hero to the Republican Party.

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