Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Iraq War About Necessity - Not 9/11

After reading this article at a news blog site…..
Rising Tide Of Corn Excerpt:
The nation's unquenchable thirst for gasoline -- and finding an alternative to what's been called our addiction to oil -- has produced an unintended consequence: The cost of the foods that fuel our bodies has jumped. Beef prices are up. So are the costs of milk, cereal, eggs, chicken and pork. And corn is getting the blame.
I had this exchange.
…..I wrote: Wal-mart has proven that Americans don't give a rats-ass about where something comes (China) from or how it was made (sweatshops). We want value and low, low prices. What's the goal? Cheap fuel? Arab oil was the cheapest fuel in the world until Bush started spilling our blood for it.
I get tired of people blaming Bush for "spilling our blood over oil". Where were you when 9/11 took place? And don't think they're not planning more attacks. These idiots need stopped. Bush is no coward. He had enough guts to stand up to them? If Clinton had done something about it we might not be in this mess now. Nobody likes to be at war but sometimes it's a necessity. – blogger
To which I responded….
During 9/11, I was with you and Bush. I had no clue. What's your point? Bush has yet to stand up to those who attacked us, in fact he may very well be afraid since he complains that the democrats "embolden" our enemies. Brave people don't worry about emboldened enemies if they have a plan to defeat them. Besides, if you don't think Bush is spilling our blood for oil then why do we need ethanol to save us from something that's NOT killing us. Again, Arab oil was the cheapest in the world when we paid for it in cash.

Petraeus: 10 more years of war in Iraq? Bush said we'll be there for 50 years. They must have adjusted the outlook after reviewing Iraq's geological petroleum reserve survey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need other things.

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