Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Saturday, June 09, 2007

GOP To Bush - Get Lost

Lately, the Republican presidential candidates have been among a growing chorus of seemingly disgruntled GOP supporters to distance themselves from the president. For the most part, their words are carefully chosen to avoid anything self-incriminating but nevertheless, democrats will have to hold them accountable because nobody including the media will.
The Nation Excerpt:
What may have been the best line of the night came when first-term Bush Cabinet member Tommy Thompson referenced his former boss's lack of diplomatic skills in his reply to the what-do-you-do-with-Bush question.
"I would certainly not send him to the United Nations” Thompson.
Great line there, Tommy. Considering that the U.N. has been deemed irrelevant by Bush and his supporters, not willing to relegate Bush to such irrelevant duties (in their view) is a sad statement about the American people who put him in charge of the United States.

Democrats can’t let these Bush loyalists back away now. From former cabinet members like Tommy Thompson to rubberstampers like Rep. Paul Ryan or newspaper editorial endorsements picking Bush for two terms, these fair-weather politicians and partisan media outlets gave rise and validity to the most awful and damaging economic and foreign policy our country has ever seen, just to extend their careers and turn a profit. Don’t think for a minute that their criticism of Bush is sincere.
The Nation Excerpt:
The crowd at New Hampshire's St. Anselm College, which was made up of Republicans and independents who said they expected to vote Republican in next January's presidential primary, repeatedly applauded the banging on Bush.
Through all of this, Bush supporters will still vote Republican.
Never forget - The GOP and Bush are one and the same. Laughing at Bush, they laugh at themselves but make no mistake, these fools cannot take a joke.

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