Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bush Donor Pleads Guilty

One of the stories from the AP over the past weekend titled, Troha Pleads Guilty to Illegal Donations could have been retitled at least a dozen different ways. But in typical fashion, the Janesville Gazette decided to title it,"Doyle Donor Pleads Guilty" in their Saturday newspaper edition on page 3 of the local section.
The newspaper also omitted the last third of the original AP article.
Full Story Here Excerpt:
But a series of donations between $30,000 and $70,000 to both Bush and the Democratic Party led Troha on Friday to agree to plead guilty to a pair of misdemeanors that could land him in prison for two years.
This was a federal indictment against Troha, not a state indictment, so you can bet that the plea deal was negotiated not to protect Doyle, as some would charge.
TMJ 4 Excerpt:
Troha has given money to both Republicans and Democrats, at the state and federal level, but it was his donations to Doyle that raised the most scrutiny.

Of course! Donations to Rep.Paul Ryan, the Republican Party or the President himself are on the up-n-up. Only Doyle is the target.

The political witchhunt to bring down Gov. Doyle in Clintonesque style has been running at full speed ahead. Bush and his gang of AG's should know by now that when they try to railroad someone, make sure he is at least on a different train.

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