Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Friday, June 01, 2007

Rock County Coroner Aiming High

When Jenifer Keach was elected coroner for Rock County, she made commitments to interact with state agencies in efforts to restore the dignity and high standards this important elective office deserves.
Coroner Mission Letter
I plan to reinstitute the Child Fatality Review Team to promote child safety awareness in cooperation with other county and state agencies. These projects will take time, but the end result will be improved professional services to the families of Rock County.
NBC Neighborhood Janesville
The Rock County Coroner’s Office announces the formation of the Rock County Child Fatality Review Team. The team met for the first time on May 24th at the Coroner’s Office.
The goal of the Wisconsin Statewide Child Fatality Review Team is to reduce preventable childhood deaths in Wisconsin. The statewide team will gather information on unexpected child deaths in Wisconsin and use the information gathered to educate the public and use all available resources to prevent future child deaths.

As an early supporter of Jenifer Keach, I'm thrilled to see her live up to these commitments and move this office in a positive direction we can all be proud of. Much work still needs to be done, and she is proving to be up to the task and more. Way to go - Coroner Keach!


Two Fisted Slopper said...

I work with the coroner at times, she maybe one of the laziest people I have ever met. Taking 2 1/2 hours to show up to some farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, where the wife of a farmer has passed away overnight and has to watch his wife there laying in her bed, then to finally show up and say to us "well these early morning one's, I like to shower and get ready first" is not only pathetic but one of the shittiest things I have ever seen in the field.

I could care less what the coroner does outside of looking and dealing with dead people. Talking to other people in my field I hear the same with her and her outfit. But hey who am I to complain her customers are not going anywhere.

Hey coroner if you read this next time you have a bonfire let me know!!

Lou Kaye said...

Man oh man, pardon me for commenting on a report about the coroner participating in any effort to prevent another child from dying.

Knowing she "works" with dead people, any effort to see fewer of them could be another sign of laziness.

Two Fisted Slopper said...

Just giving you some more facts about you precious Coroner. You talk of dignity with the office, what am I tell a old man when he asks me "how much longer does she need to lay there??" Maybe:

"As soon as she is done getting a Child Fatality Review Team together, oh and she washes her hair"


"Understand sir that your wife is not too important to her, getting a political agenda out as a Coroner is"

I opted that morning for

"I don't know sir we expected the Coroner 90 minutes ago, I'll check with dispatch to see where she is"

There are plenty more stories like mine. Next time you talk to her ask about the "Childs Birthday Party" that is a legendary story.

Lou Kaye said...

Just for the sake of trying, I don't see where the arrival time can be viewed as unreasonably late unless you happen to be the paramedic who might have saved her life to begin with.

But if you or other people in your field witness disrespect, dereliction of duty, obnoxious behavior, or any other dangerous activity from any civil servant, I think you owe it to the community to make your accusation official and fill out a report, particularly if it happens all the time as you imply. Unless of course your facts happen to be your opinion and you just hate the coroner.

Two Fisted Slopper said...

Perfect response from a blogger like yourself. A little hypocritical if you ask me.

I will not assume you are applying we had a chance to save a life and we are late with your response but in this case it happened in the middle of the night and was not discovered until the morning, but I know man anyone that has a Donkey attached to their name is just about perfect.

Lou Kaye said...

I'm not assuming anything but what I read in the newspapers, that's what I blog about. Everything here is my comprehension of the facts, in other words - my opinion.

Compared to the news reports about the previous coroner over the years, no news has been good news. And to hear the office is moving forward with extra-curricular activities is refreshing and positive. I've provided three links to corroborate my conclusion. You disagree - okay, fine. But you've chosen attack her personally in a public forum.

Now I rail against the right-wing propaganda of our newspapers and even mock some Republican politicians and their supporters, but 99.9% of the time, I'm attacking their policy, agenda, politics, opinion and comprehension of the facts, everything except their personal being. I think there's a difference and I'm not being hypocritical. But thats just my opinion.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It's easy to make false accusations in a blog atmosphere without any proof or accountability for your statements. Your either confused or have a personal problem with her or her staff. I work in the same 'field' and have never heard these legendary tales you speak of. They are a professional group that works very hard and doesn't deserve your bs. Could you be a friend of one of the other candidates that lost? Stick to ranting about Ned Yost.

Two Fisted Slopper said...

Your right ditto I hang out with that dude from Clinton or where ever he was from, and I also dated that hot girl that lost, and I was so pissed about the election that I still hold anger today about it. Are you Serious

And I make up tales about the Coroner , and the reason for that would be why?? Your right big guy I don't agree with something you think I should just talk of the Brewers, so did you watch the game last night it was a stupid idea to bring in Cappellan in the 8th he hasen't thrown in the bigs since last year.

I do have a personal problem with her you are exactly right she is freakin lazy and has no common sense or any lack of compassion. The job I "work" with her on is completely voluntary so it is not like she denied me for any position or anything. I love it, with all of you I give you a reason maybe not to like her, and of course I am a lier.

The bonfire tale I am assuming that was fake to correct!

Anonymous said...

All I'm saying is it's easy to throw about rumors and anything else people can come up with on the net. Without proof of any sort, your name, any names for that matter, dates, times, other factors such as dispatch, when they called, who they called, who was on call etc... your accusations hold no merit. You are of course entitled to your 'opinion' but you shouldn't state things as fact without any shred of proof.

Two Fisted Slopper said...

I thought you were in the field Ditto, there is a little thing called HIPPA out there I sorry the next time you accuse someone of something I will hope you will have all those facts for me.

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