Today is Saturday, March 29, 2025

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Paul Ryan Facing Early Challenge In 2008

I don't know anything about Marge Krupp of Pleasant Prairie, but I like what I heard from just a few sound bites from an article in the Janesville Gazette. Krupp will challenge Paul Ryan for the House seat in 2008 and started off on the right foot by understanding that a campaign to defeat a deeply rooted partisan like Ryan will be a long hard slog, so this early announcement was very crucial in that regard.

The 1st Congressional district of Wisconsin flew under the radar during the last election and that was unfortunate. Ryan got another free pass.

AT THIS early stage of the game, Krupp put Ryan in the proper frame to which he belongs with these words.
JG Excerpt:
If people are happy with President Bush’s administration, they should be fine supporting Ryan, she said. “But if they’re not happy with President Bush, then here I am”
Krupp has the right attitude here because Ryan is not only a well-inked Bush rubber stamp, he is also the author and sponsor of legislation that has given the president unprecedented executive powers. Ryan is part of the problem, not the solution.
JG Excerpt:
“I really do intend to win in 2008. I don’t care what anybody says”
Again, Krupp exudes the confidence and swagger she’ll need to defeat Ryan. Nay-sayers along with some deeply pocketed supporters will be out there in full force to shut down any serious challenger to their good ol’ boy Ryan, so be prepared, Marge Krupp. This can be done - Ryan is vulnerable and very beatable.

I’m going out on the limb here, but this early challenger deserves a category of her own and I hope we'll hear more from her in the coming weeks.

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