Today is Saturday, March 29, 2025

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Brit Hume: Clinton Validates Bush

The revelation that the mid-term firings of district attorney’s began as a political move by the White House — rather than as an effort by Justice to oust prosecutors based on performance, as the department told Congress — led to a wave of criticism of the administration on Capitol Hill.

Fox News whack job Brit Hume cries foul. He figures if Clinton can do it and get away with it fourteen years ago with little fanfare, Bush can too.

Brit Hume:
“News stories reporting that the Bush administration had considered firing all 93 U.S. attorneys across the country failed to mention that that is exactly what Bill Clinton did soon after taking office back in 1993. The only sitting U.S. attorney Clinton did not cashier was Michael Chertoff, now the Bush Homeland Security Secretary. At the time Chertoff was U.S. attorney in New Jersey and then Democratic Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey intervened to save Chertoff's job. None of this was noted, even in passing, in front-page stories today in the New York Times and the Washington Post, or in the AP's story on the subject.
Why is it that the people who hated everything about Bill Clinton, bring up nearly everything he’s done during his presidency to justify or validate nearly everything Bush is doing today? Why don’t they hate Bush just as well then? What’s past is past and it can’t be changed, isn’t it time we remain focused on the now, a time when we can do something to right the wrongs and move forward?

1 comment:

Jimdaddy said...

It's simply showing the American people that this is a common practice in any presidency. There wasn't any outrage in previous administrations when the fire the entire US attorney's. But, when the current administration does it they liberal media thinks it's a scandal. Clinton's administration when you look more closely at the firings were much more questionable. He wanted the US attorney in littlerock gone because of the Whitewater investigation he had a personal reason to get rid of that attorney, But, if Janet Reno would have only fired the one attorney that would have looked to obvious instead they fired all of them. A common practice in starting a new administration and nobody would think twice about it. It's just the double standards that exist in the media today.

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