Today is

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Bush: Democrats Share Same Patriotism

Six weeks before the mid-term elections, at a time when both Houses were controlled by Republicans, Bush had these kind words for members of the “other” party. Remember?
Media Matters Excerpt:
”Americans face the choice between two parties with two different attitudes on this war on terror. Five years after 9-11, the worst attack on American homeland in our history, the Democrats offer nothing but criticism and obstruction, and endless second-guessing. The party of FDR and the party of Harry Truman has become the party of cut and run. ” – George W. Bush, Sept. 28, 2006
Now that the American people have had enough and booted out the party of Hoover and Nixon, we find George W. Bush changing his tune again to sell his ill-advised wars.

Bush: Politics is hard
“Nor do I consider a belief that if you don't happen to agree with me you don't share the same sense of patriotism I do. You can get that thought out of your mind, if that's what some believe.” – George W. Bush, 2-3-2007

Suddenly, political bloggers are deranged, partisanship is evil and the stench of politics is everywhere now that Republicans are no longer in the majority.


Anonymous said...

Can you spin it anymore Louis? Come on patriotism is different then the war on terror. To spin this to make it look like President Bush said the same thing is just plan dumb. Louis I know being a leftie you think the whole world is just as plain stupid and will look to the elite lefties for wisdom. But, this is out of hand. Any intelligent person can clearly see that what the President said are two different things. Nice try though.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you hold Jim Doyle accountable to what he said before the elections and what he is doing now? Seems he told us that the State budget was balanced before the elections and after the elections we find out we are in a deficit. He said in his State of the State speech last year he will not raise taxes. But, yet he has perposed a $1.25 per pack tax on cigarettes. Now he wants to raise the nursing home bed tax from $75.00 a bed to $125.00 a bed. He also is thinking about taxing hospitals. But, it seems that you always hold Doyle less accountable for his actions.

Lou Kaye said...

You are free to explain what he said and meant right here.

Doyle never said the state budget was balanced before the election, he did say he will do whatever it takes to balance it, and they did project about $500 million that was unaccounted to help lower the $1.6 to 2.1 billion deficit.

There is just no comparison between the Bush annual $250 billion deficits that remain unfulfilled every year and Wisconsin's $2 billion deficit Doyle doesn't have Bush's luxuries of selling off our debt to foreign countries. Doyle is completely accountable - Bush is not.

I continue to ask Bush supporters and their expanding high-rolling strong economy this. If we can't raise taxes to pay the bills when the economy is strong - when can we? When the economy is weak?

Anonymous said...

Your right Doyle can just sell out the Wisconsin taxpayers. What about his state of the state speech he had last year (2006) where he said people are paying more for such things as energy,healthcare etc. the last thing we need to do is raise taxes. He said he will not raise taxes. He lied. But, yet no accountablity for his outright lies. The national deficit has gone down by 40% and will be free of debt by 2012. That's if we make the tax cuts permanent. Taxcuts work they are working and actually putting more money into the government. It's a win win situation more money in the pockets of workers to spend the way they feel fit to spend it and more revenue for the government.

Anonymous said...

Straight from Jim Doyle's Campaign site - from one of his press releases - "Wisconsin Firefighters Stand with Governor Doyle"
"Governor Jim Doyle inherited a record $3.2 billion deficit and BALANCED THE BUDGET right way – without raising taxes while protecting funding for public safety like fire services."
Or about another one from Doyle's Campaign website - this one from a "Fiscal Responsibility, Cutting Taxes and Government Waste, Protecting our Priorities" press release - "Governor Doyle BALANCED THE LARGEST BUDGET deficit in the history of the state – $3.2 billion – while keeping his promises to not raise taxes.
These press releases do lead me to believe that Governor Doyle was telling Wisconites that he had balanced the budget.

Anonymous said...

George Bush has quite a history of demonizing the "enemy". He's the mudslinger in chief. He had the american public believing that John McCain and John Kerry were unpatriotic even though they put their lives on the line for their country. Of course George was hiding in a pub in Alabama during the Vietnam conflict. From what I've observed over the years, republicans want bipartisanship when they're in the minority but that word is nowhere to be found when they are in the majority.

Anonymous said...

Rob get some more leftie talking points would ya. Your a little of base their BUDDY!! Go smoke another joint ya hippie liberal punk.

Anonymous said...

Doylee "balanced" the budget by raiding other funds such as the transportation fund for one. Just switching money around isn't truly "balancing" anything. He's doing it with smoke and mirrors. And the taxpayers are going to get burned by having this man in office for another four years.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, I'm glad I made a friend. Exactly what part of my statement is "off base"? By the way, I look more like a young republican than a hippie.

Anonymous said...

Not sure where President Bush has ever said personally that John Macain or John Kerry were unpatriotic. Maybe you should post a link to where he has personally said that.

Lou Kaye said...

rob y.
I'm with you on that, but we will never be able to expose the truth about dubya's National guard record - what records he didn't black out cannot be viewed for about 20 years after he's gone. While Kerry's history is wide open with stacks of documents and video tapes. Amazing' iddin it.

But, regarding the Bush 2007 budget - Why is it that George W. Bush cannot produce a balanced budget during the eight years of his presidency, but he can look good convincing to his base that somebody else four years later will?

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