Today is

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Republicans Should Reject Hagel

Darn it!! Just when I thought the Republican Party was hanging itself with every passing day, out comes an angry Republican who decided he’s not going to take it anymore. Nearly sounding like a Democrat with guts, Sen. Chuck Hagel scolded fellow Senators during the Senate hearing debate of the Bush “surge the course” strategy.
You won’t hear this often, but I am on the same page with the Republican senator from Nebraska regarding the escalation in Iraq. The last thing us Democrats need down the stretch is an honest and transparent politician on the other side to echo what we have been saying for the past few years. I hope the Republicans reject him or censor his comments.
Hagel quote:
"We're Article 1 of the Constitution," he said. "We are a co-equal branch of government. Are we not to participate? Are we not to say anything? Are we not to register our sense of where we're going in this country on foreign policy? Bottom line is this. Our young men and women and their families, these young men and women who are asked to fight and die deserve a policy worthy of those sacrifices."

Hagel says Republicans must change
Congressmen who ask too many questions have been branded as unpatriotic and treasonous by the Republican Party. Hagel should be no different. They should stop this raving lunatic, before he has a chance to rebel rouse any further. Too bad we can't trade Lieberman for Hagel. If you haven’t seen him on C-Span today, I highly recommend that you watch for re-runs of it tomorrow.

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