Today is

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Republicans Defeat Ends Gridlock

Keeping one of his promises, Gov. Doyle agreed to an ethics reform package reached between Democrats and Republicans in Madison.
Ethics Reform excerpt:
"The devil is in the details," says Jay Heck of Common Cause. "We'll want to see how it all works. I think it's an incredibly positive sign. If you'dve asked me three months ago whether I'd envisioned this happening this soon I would've said no."

He is absolutely right. Three months ago, many thought the Democrats would sweep the national offices, but nobody figured the Democrats would do the same in Wisconsin. Mark Green was breathing down Doyle’s neck. Had Green won, ethics reform would have been shelved for years. The Republicans have been running the show in both the national and local scene, ramrodding through party-line bills and discarding democratic motions like common garbage. Now, the drumbeat is co-operation and bi-partisanship. Stuff that has been ignored for years like revenue shortages, budget deficits, job creation, healthcare and restoring the Social Security treasury fund will finally get their just due in Congress, because the people have said enough is enough.
JG editorial excerpt:
Perhaps Democrats, out of power for years in Wisconsin and Washington, have seen the error of idealogical gridlock and gotten the message that voters are demanding accountability and measures to move this state and nation forward.
Yes, being in the minority party while helplessly watching Republicans nearly destroy the state of the union has taught Democrats exactly how not to behave. Discarded by the majority Republicans, words like compromise, bipartisan, co-operation, and unity have been dusted off by the new majority and are the new buzzwords in damage control. Had the endorsements of this newspapers editorial staff won, the error of idealogical gridlock would have gone on much, much longer.


Anonymous said...

Keeping one of his promises, Gov. Doyle agreed to an ethics reform package reached between Democrats and Republicans in Madison.

I found this statement very funny. This is coming from a Gov. that is the most ethnically challenged we have ever had in the State of Wisconsin. It's like Barry Bonds is going to reform the steroid policy in baseball.

Anonymous said...

This guy is truly messed up. It was the same day that he (Doyle) went to big corporations looking for $25,000 each to fund his inaguration festivities. Then the same day says he wants to reform government. Well, we are in for four more years of this clown. Well, I shouldn't say that maybe the federal investigators will give Wisconsin a gift and put this looser in prison where he belongs.

Anonymous said...

The people will learn that this guy is a snake oil salesman. It's to bad we have to have this guy in office for another 4 years. Tommy Thompson was never under FERSERAL INVESTIGATION. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Doyle is a crook. The people of Wisconsin are just fools for electing this moron back into office. Just wait and see what our taxes do in the next four years.

Anonymous said...

So much for "ethics reform" This is an article on channel 3000 in which our Gov. accepted packers tickets. He was fined $300. WOW. $300 for breaking the law? Heck if I had the chance to sit in skybox seats at Lambeau field and take my family with for a mere $300. Not a bad deal. Seems this story was buried. You would hear much of this story at all. Oh but, if it was a republican Gov. who was as dirty and ethnically challenged as diamond Jim Doyle it would be all over the press. Double standards again shown by the main stream media. Why doesn't Louis have a blog on this? I'm sure he would if it was say Paul Ryan accepting tickets to a packers game. You can bet on that.

Lou Kaye said...

I saw it on 3000 and the Gazette ran it in the local section. There are a lot of stories I don't pick at because I would merely be repeating the press. Occasionally, the mainstream does have the ability to report some events cleanly without injecting their own opinion. So why should I try to dispute fact? If the Gazette threw it on the front page or opinionated it with partisanship, I would have been crying foul.

You found this packer ticket gift a problem and so did the ethics board and they fined him - case closed. He didn't try to hide it, lie, spin or take the system to court - like Green did with hundreds of thousands of dollars. Doyle might get Super Bowl tickets from AT&T or Harley, he could return them or GO TO THE GAME.

Trust me if it was Ryan, I wouldn't say a word. I'm more concerned about how Ryan or Doyle impact real issues and how the mainstream comprehends their actions. This I have a problem with.

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