Today is

Friday, December 22, 2006

Can Heaven Wait?

The ABC special with Barbara Walters Heaven, where is it? – How do we get there? was very informative and revealed some of the principles behind those who have hi-jacked their own perspective religions.

The Walters special did not however reveal anything entirely new about Islam since after 9-11, but it was assembled in such a way as to encompass all religions including Islam and their relationships to an after-life.

Walters interviewed Islamists who strongly believe in a version of their religion contaminated by intolerance and violence. These quaslamists (new word invented right here combining al qaeda (base)- quasi(fake) and Islam) have been taught by bin laden and others to use their life and death as a weapon against all intruders and infidels, thus giving their leaders(survivors) power and victory over the enemy. Crimes against not only humanity but against their own faith as well. Of course, we have seen with are own eyes as to what extent they are willing to go.

The TV documentary was thought provoking and well made enough to help understand the motivations that drive those we perceive as our enemy. We are in combat with people who not only give their lives for their own cause, but willingly and wantonly do so. Whether we also perceive them as brainwashed really doesn’t matter at this point. The fact is, our military is in battle against those who want to die, while our loyal and courageous soldiers for the most part, are there to do a job, collect a paycheck and return home to their families and friends. Whether they believe it is a just cause or not. Not so with the quaslamists. So my question is – Is it possible for an invader to militarily defeat a people dying to go to heaven? Or can it wait? – in the regard that we change course dramatically enough to stop the killing but remain engaged in efforts to liberate Islam?


Anonymous said...

The kinds of changes needed to wipe out fanatic fundementalist Islam has to come from within Islamics themselves. No outside power or influence will do anything except to further inflame them. Every time we kill another fanatic, 10 more line up. That killing just serves the fanatic as proof in their eyes that we are attacking Islam and Muslims as a whole. I would like to think that this war is not about religion but that may be naive on my part. I liken fundementalist Islam to splinter groups of Christianity. Until Muslims themselves give these groups no power and no hold in their lives they will be a threat. The sad fact though is, these fundementalist groups have enormous sway over the people of these impoverished countries. Martyrdom looks like a good option when confronted with their daily lives.

Lou Kaye said...

Thank you for your clear and consistent perspective. At first, I too felt that this war was not about religion, and it possibly still is not if the one and true Islam would stand up to the parasites that apparently have mutated into something that cannot be tolerated by a civil and just society. We have the same cancer right here feeding off of Christianity.

Anonymous said...

Where are the true Muslims? Islam as a religion doesn't support the killings and the suicide bombings that are going on. It's time for the muslim community the 90% good muslim people to stand up and show the extremists that they will not tolerate thier actions. Where are the leaders of the muslim community while the extremists are dragging their reliogion through the mud.

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