Today is

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Green and Bush - Tax Cut and Run

Mark Green’s campaign for governor has many eerie similarities to that of the textbook election promises that has sprung George W. Bush into the presidency. Like Bush, Green promises to cut taxes and fix the morals and values of others.

Green has proposed a pension tax break for seniors that would exempt the first $20,000 in a retiree’s income from state taxes. Sounds good when you’re kissing babies and willing to say anything to get a vote, but a similar plan that failed in the Republican-led legislature would have exempted only half of what Green proposes and would have cost the state nearly $200 million annually. Green claims his tax cut would cost only $20 million in its first year, but after that, details are fuzzy because he knows the promise is hollow. How he would make up for nearly $200 million in lost revenue is anybodies guess, chances are he would raise taxes elsewhere or cut jobs and desperately needed services.

My guess is Doyle will be seriously looking into property tax discounts for seniors if he is re-elected, a cost effective way to reward seniors according to the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute.

Like Bush, Mark Green plans to fix everything with a tax cut or a tax credit. Even with immigration, Green proposes to offer a $300 tax credit in his ad, while stating in order to qualify for assistance, you must prove citizenship. Huh? Nevermind, the fact is Green is out of touch with Wisconsinites. The one thing Green seems to forget is that the job he is running for is unlike anything he has done in Congress. State budgets have to be balanced, the debt cannot be sold off to the highest bidder or left to accumulate for future generations.

In a strange twist, rumor has it that former Governor Tommy (I run, I win) Thompson may throw his hat in the 2008 presidential race. After getting a whiff of D.C. graft, Thompson is taking the opposite road from Green’s. One has to remember that Tommy Thompson had almost single-handed wrecked Wisconsin and nearly turned the state into the Texas of the north. That Bush nearly destroyed the state he governed before running for president had to give Thompson some consolation that he too can make it to the White House. Wisconsin’s reputation of high taxes, low wages, ruined natural resources and stagnant growth bloomed in the 90's and were actually his "signature" achievements. The fact is, Doyle is still repairing the long-term damage done by Tommy.

So who could blame Thompson for cutting and running from Wisconsin? He knows you can’t please everyone balancing state budgets, plus it requires a brain and work. After pretending to work under George W. Bush for four long miserable years, ol’ slowpoke Thompson figures he could possibly do no worse and – he’s probably right. Cabinet meetings with Bush have been described as a blind man leading a room full of deaf people, and in no disrespect to people with disabilities, Thompson was clearly one of the “deaf.”


Anonymous said...

You are totally right on this subject, Louis, Mark Green is no more than a puppet of George Bush. The Republicans speak out about how Democrats are going to raise taxes, but Democrats do the right thing, manage them. The Republicans favor tax freezes and credits that just turn out to be state and government debt, just look at the terrible job done by Bush and his cronies.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's real terrible the Dow is close to 12,000 points the unemployment rate is at 4.8%. Tax rates are down for everyone who pays taxes. Saddam Hussein is no longer in power. Osma Bin Laden is hiding and no longer in control of the Al Queada. Democracy is taking root in the middleeast. Life as an American is horrible.

Anonymous said...

Things are going great if you're rich. 11 more soldiers were killed in Iraq in the last 24 hours. 68 just for the month. Bush says more deaths show we are engaged and our enemies are more desperate and losing. Things are going real swell in Iraq. Life as an American could be better.

Anonymous said...

How many soldiers are in Iraq? 180,000 or so and 68 have been killed in a war zone in one month. There are more deaths in rock county in a month. PEOPLE DIE IT'S A WAR ZONE YOU MORON.

Anonymous said...

Not much difference between Rock County and Iraq. Now that you put it that way. Suuuure, we understand.

Jimdaddy said...

What is the democrat's policy on Iraq?

Lou Kaye said...

Obviously, I can't speak for my fellow democrats. But I believe they would not of had us involved in the first place. But now that we have been painted into a corner by the president its pretty tough to correct the situation until we change leadership. Bush could be handed a winning proposal but it wouldn't matter. He's now adapting to "stay the course."

Jimdaddy said...
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Lou Kaye said...

Jimdaddy, your comment was "That's not a policy" was accidentally deleted during a format switch. Sorry.

Bush calls any plan different than his own "cut and run."

The dems would probably begin a drawdown of troops by exchanging them with an international force (not UN). I believe leadership change is absolutely necessary here in America before a new policy can be instituted with Iraq. Its not probably what you want to hear, but there is no other way, unless the enemy surrenders which I don't think will happen anytime soon.

Jimdaddy said...

Louis the PROBABLY would begin a draw down. That's what the current administration is shooting for. It just seems the Iraqi government doesn't have a firm grasp on what kind of government and who's going to control it right now. It is frustrating to everyone. But, the Iraqi people are new to this whole freedom thing and it is going to take time. Not all wars have gone acording to plan. This war is no different. President Bush wants the troops out just as bad as everyone else. We can't just leave the Iraqi people hanging again. But, they also have to work together to secure their own country as well.

Lou Kaye said...

I don't believe Bush wants the troops out. He tells everyone that without Americans, the oil will fall in the hands of terrorists. As long as we have Bush, the Republicans and Bush's nutty foreign policy, we will be there for a long time. Pulling out now would be a mistake, and we can't correct one mistake with another. After destroying their country, we owe the Iraqi people big time.

Anonymous said...

I sure wish Kerry would speak more. He sure likes to degrade the military ever chance he gets. Kerry is a typical liberal who hates the military. He said it himself.

Lou Kaye said...

I think you are confusing the profiteers of the military industrial complex with our soldiers. That is what most liberals hate. Kerry had a "high" education and he was in Viet Nam. I guess he hates himself then. He sounds much better when he's not trying to tell a joke.

But Kerry should know better, only the president can away with calling soldiers deaths in Iraq "just a number" and embarrass America in front of world leaders with stupid jokes.

Anonymous said...

If that is true about Kerry and Liberals then why do they say things about soldiers and not the so call profiters of the military industrial complex. He has a history of talking bad about the military. A military he wanted to be commander and chief of.

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