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Thursday, August 24, 2006

When will U.S. confront terrorism?

On Terrorists - Sound Off
Why don’t you liberals put your criticism aside and start realizing we are at war with terrorists. America is the greatest country in the world, and our country, the president and the military need all Americans pulling together.
Our troops do need our support because after all, they are only following orders. But when you have an incompetent and arrogant man like George W. Bush misleading the greatest country on earth it is incumbent upon every reasonable thinking American to make some attempt to let their displeasure be known. Some protest in the streets, others write and speak critically of all the wrongs. That’s the way it is.

Why doesn’t Congress formally declare a war? Why haven’t they identified an enemy and outlined a plan for all Americans to participate in victory like they did during our last world war? If declaring a war is meaningless, then why not do it? Why have we left it up to Canada, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Germany and France to catch terrorists while we allow our president to tie our hands behind our back in Iraq? If the war in Iraq was meant to fight terrorists over there so we don’t have to fight them here, why have so many attempts of terrorism been thwarted outside of Iraq? We still are doing it Bush’s way as far as I know.

I also think the country is less polarized now than in the last two elections because people are finally beginning to understand the dynamics and consequences of the Republican Party and the Bush presidency. I don’t think the country is split 50/50 any longer, and a majority is pulling together whether some like it or not.


Anonymous said...

Declare war on who? Terrorists don't play by the rules louis. When are you liberals going to realize that? Is blowing up mosques o.k with the rules of war in the Geneva convention? These people we are fighting have no uniforms. They look no different that the people on the streets. These terrorists don't play by the rules louis and until you lefties figure out that we are actually at war with people that would love to kill you you won't have control of the whitehouse for a very long time.

Lou Kaye said...

That's exactly my point. Bush says we are at war in Iraq, then Congress should declare it.
Aside from confronting the source of the 9-11 terrorists in Afghanistan, Bush has cut and run against our real enemies.

Lefties like myself believe Bush has been extremely weak on terrorism. As a country we have yet begun to fight. That's the rotten shame of it because when we finally get a leader who knows what to do, we won't have an army or international cooperation. Our good will has been squandered and our military is being wasted.

I totally agree, our enemies are armyless, faceless, and countryless. What the HELL are we doing in Iraq?
Either declare a war on SOMEONE and create a comprehensive plan for victory or do what Bush is doing.

Bush has painted us into a corner in the middle-east and has literally handed the terrorists and indifferent countries huge leverage by his decisions. When are you righties going to realize that?

Anonymous said...

"We're now approaching the fifth anniversary of the day this war reached our shores," said Bush, whose public approval peaked at 90 percent after Sept. 11 but has slumped to 36 percent now. "As the horror of that morning grows more distant, there is the tendency to believe that the threat is receding and this war is coming to a close. That feeling is natural and comforting—and wrong." 8-31-2006

A successful president would have said "As the horror of that morning grows more distant, you can be assured that the threat has been confronted by our military and is severly diminished. Soon, the war will be coming to a close and our citizens and their children will know the comfort of a good nights rest.

Anonymous said...

A good president wouldn't have let Bin Laden attack us time after time. A good president would have taken him into custady when he was offered. To lie to the American people that we are safe from terrorism isn't the right way to handle the situation. There is a deep hatred amoung Isalamic extremist who hate the very thought of freedom. The only way to defeat them is to destroy them. President Bush has taken the fight to them. I don't agree with everything the president has done but, he is doing the right thing against terrorism. Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator who funded suicide bombers (terrorists). To believe that Al Queada wasn't in Iraq prior to us going into Iraq is just nonsense. We have had Al Queada traing camps in Idaho but, there weren't any in Iraq? Saddam Hussein just needed to come clean with his weapons program. He just needed to tell the UN what happened to the chemical weapons he had and that the UN security council had documented. He had 12 years to come clean. He decided his faint. It is to bad that the UN couldn't enforce it's own resolutions. That's why I think Iran is next in line. They will play the same game with the resoultions that Saddam did. I just hope the next president be it a democrat or a republican will be able to handle Iran and not be afraid of critism for doing what's best for the country.

Lou Kaye said...

I don't believe they hate us for our freedom. They DO want to punish us for reasons we should know by now, but Bush has taken us into the wrong direction. We are as clueless as to why as we were on 9-10-2001.

Saddam Hussein was a petty dictator who held onto power by bluffing. He bluffed so well even Islamic militants feared him. Saddam hasn't had WMD since 1998, and if he announced this on a world stage in the middle-east, the Taliban or al-quada would have invaded Iraq quicker than we did. Saddam produced wheelbarrows of evidence in Dec. 2002, Bush said he was stalling. Short of abdicating his control, Saddam could do nothing to stop Bushs lust to invade.

Iran is another problem that Bush has made worse. Every country on Earth has the right to defend themselves and Iran or N. Korea are no different. The nuclear cat has been out of the bag for a long time, trying to stop the advancement of knowledge or the creation of technologies is not only fruitless, it is nearly idiotic. If any country uses nuclear technology as an offensive weapon, they will pay tenfold. I pray we are not the ones to use it offensively.

The next president will have their hands full reversing nearly everything Bush as done and will probably be known as the "damage control" president.

Anonymous said...

The Republicans seem desparate. Their message is effectively "Vote Republican or Die!"

Their claim is that if we don't stay the course and achieve victory in Iraq then the
Islamic Terrorist Fascist Insurgents are coming to get you. Bush compares the war in Iraq to fighting the Nazis in World War 2 as if it were some noble cause.

But we can never win in Iraq because the enemies are the same people that we are trying to liberate.

The truth is that Bush has failed and the Republicans have failed.
We can either change direction now or wait till it gets worse and change direction later.
The question that voters have to figure out is how bad are we going to allow things to get before we do something about it?

I say throw the bums out now!

Anonymous said...

There is no reason why Iran needs to have nuculaer power. That's a huge lie by the President of Iran. He has stated he wants to destroy Isreal. Now he "needs" nuclear power they have more oil than they know what to do with.

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:18 P.M anonymous what have they failed on? Quite your whinning. You say they have failed but, you don't say what they failed on or what you would do to make it better. So sad :(

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