Today is

Monday, August 21, 2006

Vote the Party Person

There’s one thing Democrats have to be aware of more so now than in the past elections, and that is what many see as a drive to de-emphasize party politics in the upcoming elections. The political market is flooded with brochures, flyers and video ads of nominees who have conveniently omitted that they are Republican. Just as insidious is the sudden renewal of interest in third party candidates and the increase of people who claim that it’s the person and not the party they vote for. Upon further examination, those espousing the person over the party are for the most part, Republicans. Don’t believe the deception, don’t believe the rhetoric, its always been the party. Years ago when the party's platforms were not as far apart, I would disagree, but not any longer.

Right now, the majority of Americans feel our country has been led in the wrong direction and it is easy to see why. The Republican “Contract with America” and the newly minted “American Values Agenda” are largely responsible for what is wrong with our country today. They are the party supporting the debacle in Iraq and defending the windfall profits of Big Oil. But it doesn’t end there. Just to be fair they are also the party of the arrogant neocon foreign policy, out-sourcing of jobs, corporate welfare, taxcuts for the rich, record national debt, profits at the expense of worker health and the environment, racial profiling, higher local taxes, cooked books, segregation, congressional corruption, warrantless eavesdropping, union busting, dismantling Social Security, unfunded domestic programs, a failed foreign policy, Big Religion and torture just to mention a few. Perhaps the worst offense has been the unwavering support for the White House’s deliberate misdirection of our domestic resources and military in the war on terror. Consequences from this may outlive our debt.

Their doctrine has everything to do with the relinquishment of the U.S. Constitution and nothing to do with the average person. Yes, the Republicans are the party in power today and that is the agenda they are proud of, but many of them mysteriously deny affiliation during this most recent campaign. Who can blame them?

Over and over, we hear somebody like George W. Bush tell us to vote for the man he’s got his arm around because, ”he’s a good man.” Well, I don’t want to be led around by a person merely because someone said they’re good and competent, and ignore their political philosophy.
I compare politics to religion. Just because I believe in God does not mean I will allow myself to be religiously led around by a good, competent and hard working Islamic cleric or a Jewish Rabbi.
For those same reasons, I refuse to vote Republican. The party's philosophies are starkly different enough today that the choice of voting for the lesser of two evils has finally come to an end. It is in the Democrats favor that they never really laid out a self-serving bumper sticker platform like the Republicans have. The Republican agenda in its current format is untenable.

Less our inherent human conditions such as corruption and greed, the Democrats agenda is primitively idealistic and difficult to recognize after all these years. Similar to that of George Washington and Ben Franklin, it is simply to forge a government “for the people and by the people.”


Anonymous said...

As long as the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Howard Dean are the voices of democrats I wouldn't be voting for the democratic party anytime soon. Until the have an agenda of actually doing something instead of playing the blame game. I wouldn't be voting for the democratic party anytime soon.

Lou Kaye said...

I certainly don't vote for the Democratic party because of Sharpton, Jackson or Dean. Blame and credit works both ways. My opposition to the Republican party has nothing to do with Bush, Hastert or Mehlman. I laid out what I thought the Republican Party stood for. I would be curious to know what you think the Dems stand for besides blame.

Anonymous said...

I tend to vote for the person and not the party. It just seems the bottom feeders all seem to be democrats at this time in history.

Anonymous said...

The democratic party is a joke. They don't stand for ANYTHING. They bash Bush at every turn. Some policy that is.

Anonymous said...

Bush is the mascot for class warfare and weak national security. He has turned the world against America and has squandered our futures. He has added to the National deficit an amount it took the previous 200 years to accumulate. He has misdirected our military and left us more vulnerable. His economy is a patchwork of taxcuts to the select few, growth gobbled up by inflation and the highest energy prices of all time. Children born during the Bush regime may grow up to never know we had a Constitution, Social Security, pension benefits or union jobs. He is our worst president. What is there to like about him?

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