Today is

Sunday, July 16, 2006

America: Pre-liquidation Sale

I don't know why the Janesville Gazette would give Andreah Briarmoon the front page top story of their July 16th Sunday edition when there is what appears to be another major war beginning in the middle-east. Either they think they are cashing in on the shed controversy or its their way to bend the council to rethink the community cable channel. The status quo (establishment) seem to be really upset by democratic tools like the internet or community channels that level the playing field. They lay awake at night just scheming ways to limit these freedoms. (correction: the Gazette editorial the next day was pro-JATV, so not only are they milking the shed situation as much as the owner is, they're feeding the flames with all the ink.)

Besides the latest turmoil in the middle-east, there was a HUGE story on page 3 titled Foreign owned companies are buying US roads and bridges. This is a major part of the Republican plan to outsource America, selling off public entities to the highest bidder for instant cash to pay off debt, similar to a pre-bankruptcy liquidation. I am outraged that the (elected officials)government can sell off things that quite honestly they do not own nor have the authority to sell. This is all tied in with Bush style taxcuts that slowly eat away at the Federal funding of programs that maintain these "for sale" properties and the recent Supreme Court ruling on eminent domain only empowers the forces of greed even more. Of course this plan to sell off America has sucked in many Democrats as well, considering that Mayor Daley of Chicago has led the way to sell off the Indiana Toll Road, greed is bi-partisan. My fellow Americans had better wake up, because once they're (public property)gone,they're gone!

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