Today is

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Clinton Quotes on Walker and Barrett

Clinton told the crowd at a Milwaukee riverfront park that the states recovering from the economic downturn are those in which members of both parties are working together.

On Scott Walker
"Cooperation works; constant conflict is a dead bang loser, and you need to get rid of it." -- Bill Clinton

On Tom Barrett
"You get out of a ditch when people stand on each others shoulders and somebody gets to the top and then reaches down and pulls everybody else up. Real leaders get stakeholders together, listen to their concerns, treat them with respect and make sure everyone moves forward together." - Bill Clinton


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like the rally was great!

Have any of you heard if Walker responded to the Oversight Committee in Congress? He was supposed to answer their three questions by June 1st. I'd love to know what happened. Thanks!

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