Today is Saturday, January 11, 2025

Monday, August 25, 2008

Congressional Challenger - Wrong Party, Wrong District

Peter Theron, launched his official candidacy to run against Rep. Tammy Baldwin for Congress on Saturday using the GM plant in Janesville as a backdrop. The bespectacled math teacher couldn't have picked a better example than the job losses at the plant to illustrate the economic policy failures of its congressional representative - except for one minor detail.
Capital Times Excerpt:
Theron went down to Janesville for his first campaign announcement because he wanted to pose in front of the recently closed General Motors plant there to dramatize his point. No matter that the plant itself is not in the 2nd District, it is close enough and its shutdown affects thousands of workers in the district, he said.
The GM plant is not located in Baldwin's district. Instead, it had the unfortunate luck to reside in the district of the chosen one for status quo low-wage conservatism - Rep. Paul Ryan. Many believe this election will be a referendum on George W. Bush and his congressional enablers. It's no secret that Paul Ryan ranks right near the top in that group.
Capital Times Excerpt:
"When my opponent was first elected to Congress the cost of gasoline was about $1.20 a gallon. Under her watch, gasoline has passed $4 a gallon. A tankful of gasoline that used to cost $30 now costs $100," he said in his announcement speech. "Some shrug, others suggest walking. I insist on drilling." -- Peter Theron, Republican Candidate for the 2nd Congressional District of Wisconsin
Is this even a legitimate talking point? Under her watch?

Theron, including Republicans like Ryan think the best way to wean an addict off of the junk is to give 'em a booster shot?

Gasoline prices have been marching upward beginning with the Bush war on Iraq rubber stamped by a GOP–led Congress. In effect, they got their booster shot from this ill-begotten war, oil production in Iraq is at its highest level since the US-led invasion of 2003. At over 2.4 million barrels a day it's more than twice the oil we can ever expect to pump out of ANWR, yet prices continued to climb. Remember, Iraq's oil was nearly off-line before the war and was limited to minor trading under a corrupted oil-for-food program. Prices for oil and gasoline were relatively low back then.

While Bush continues to veto democratic legislation, the repeated call for more drilling drums to the beat on the assumption energy prices will fall. Iraq's booster shot to global oil supplies is clear evidence to the contrary.


Anonymous said...

Ok prior to congress taking over majority gas prices were $2.80. Lets take a look at what he meant. First of all part of Tammy district is in Jansville, also many of the workers, work in the second district.
Many of the dem lead congress policy's have gotten us to the point of $4.00. Case in point going home and not voting on drilling. Tammy has no plans to get our energy prices back down to where they need to be for me I am frighten about the winter and my energy bill.
Drill her Drill now

Lou Kaye said...

To blame Baldwin for the closing of the Janesville GM plant while not mentioning Ryan is completely absurd. As a big critic of Ryan, even I can't blame him solely for GM's problems, but he has grandstanded the plant just like Theron attempted to do.

Blaming Dem policies for the high energy prices or implying gasoline prices would drop if they voted on drilling while ignoring the previous 14 years of a GOP-led Congress and two oilmen in the White House doesn't even deserve a civil argument.

We have 68 million acres open to Big Energy - Drill here! Drill now! Nobody is stopping them.

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