Today is

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Good 'Ol Boy Appointed To Janesville City Council

Last night at a special city council meeting, Richard Gruber, a board member of Forward Janesville, was appointed to fill a council seat unexpectedly vacated by Council Member Matt Kealy who resigned mid-term after recently buying a home outside city limits.

Gruber's selection came soon after the council questioned each of the final 4 candidates separately in 30 minute interviews. The six member council's second round of voting came to a 3 to 3 deadlock between Gruber and Barry Badertscher. However, soon after the tie was announced, Council Member Doug Marklein said he will change his vote in favor of Gruber. The council recast their votes and Gruber won 4 - 2.

Doug Marklein is also a member of Forward Janesville and happens to be the loudest cryer on the council about partisanship in city government. That's how that always works, isn't it?

I can't even begin to imagine the rage that would have ensued had a member of a local labor union won that seat or if the deciding vote for a union "boss" was cast by one of its own patch-wearing members. Yeah, praise the Lord for Janesville's city manager slash council at-large form of government or else some disagreeables might win election. I mean, God forbid ...we'd be talking about months of some serious backlash from naysayers in the Janesville Gazette with that sort of partisanship. LOL.

As it stands, Janesville will continue to be run by the tax-shifting footstools of the oligarchy, while its majority population continues to dance around the campfire singing Kumbaya or just simply look the other way. So although the names have changed, everything pretty much remains the same.

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