Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Huge Walker Donor Needs State Welfare To Grow Business

Just for archival purposes I posted a brief about this story back in April of 2010 from an article in the Janesville Gazette. Back then I thought it quite strange that a billionaire would require substantial state aid to expand their business. Apparently the free markets and her own substantial wealth are inadequate.

JG Excerpt:
ABC Supply's Diane Hendricks said that's what she's facing with one of the companies she and her late husband, Ken, started in Beloit. Hendricks has charged the company's management with growing the company as efficiently as possible, and the result will likely mean a move to Illinois, which offers more appealing incentives.

"Wisconsin just doesn't compete," Hendricks said. "It tears my guts to see the company move to Illinois, but I have to let it grow."

I'm assuming Hendricks was referring to one of her Beloit companies, American Aluminum Extrusion. In January 2011, they announced they would expand their business in Roscoe, Illinois. AAE was set to reap a lucrative TIF district agreement and benefits of $750,000 in Illinois state incentives and tax credits. That's what billionaires need to "let" their businesses grow. More government for themselves.

We also know now that Hendricks expects more government controlled collectivist kickbacks from Wisconsin and Scott Walker promises to deliver.

Timeless Video: George Carlin & Scott Walker Clip Every American Needs To See!

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