After twelve years into Paul Ryan's award winning and star-studded career in congress, the factory workers in his district are finally getting served a heaping mouthful of dog food and a swift kick of tough love from his low-wage conservative and ideologically driven policies.
JG Excerpt:Don't these folks know that their congressman won multiple and consecutive prestigious awards in manufacturing legislative excellence from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)?
JANESVILLE — A Janesville manufacturer that plans to close this fall will start laying off employees in May. Bourns, Inc., notified the state Monday it will eliminate about 30 positions on or about May 7.
During the 107th congress (2001-2003) Congressman Ryan scored a very favorable 95 out of a perfect 100 with NAM. During the 108th (2003-2005), he scored another 95 and during the 109th (2005-2007) he scored a perfect 100!! On top of his fine, fine manufacturing voting record during the same period, the entitled congressman voted with his Republican majority anywhere from 88% to 94% of the time. In retrospect, didn't General Motors or Chrysler Corporation ever get the message about Ryan's manufacturing awards? Sheesh... the ingrates nowadays.
But, how does an institution like NAM reconcile itself with the fact that a congressman voting their way over 90 percent of the time (during a GOP majority no less) not only resulted in a precipitous decline of a once robust manufacturing sector within that district, but also with the sinking reality that the manufacturing jobs are irretrievably lost forever?

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