JSonline Excerpt:
Top donors for Madison Democrat Tammy Baldwin this year include the National Association of Retail Druggists, which has given $2,000 to her campaign. Doctors, nurses and other health professionals have made roughly $295,000 in donations to Baldwin since she was elected to the House in 1998.
JSonline Excerpt:Fact.
Health professionals have given Kind $335,000 in donations since his first congressional election in 1996, putting them among his top contributors.
JSonline Excerpt:
The Janesville Republican has collected more money from the insurance industry - $493,000 - than from any other interest group during his 10 years in Congress.
There's no denying the numbers, they're out there for all to see. This is the ugly part of politics that I will always detest no matter who is collecting the money.
Still, all things being equal, certain facts remain. The two Democrats above have the weighted support from health care professionals. You know, the people who come between you and the insurance spreadsheet analysts. Paul Ryan has the total support from the insurance industry. They have little to do with health care and all to do with profits coming at the expense of our health. They're the ones who stand between us and the health care professionals. Who would you rather have in the operating room?
That is the stark reality.
"Everybody knows where I stand," said Ryan. We sure do congressman.
Believe it or not, the opening act for Ryan's "health care" event with the Waukesha Chamber of Commerce was a sales pitch coming from an insurance executive!
Ryan's Janesville insurance clinic is scheduled to start today at 3:30 PM. It will be held at Craig High School auditorium, 401 South Randall Avenue.
Note: It is important to note here that the location has changed. Ryan's InsuroCorp clinic was originally scheduled to be held at Janesville city hall.

ugh, what slime that man is, anyways are you gonna be at his insurofreakshow at Jackson street?
Lou, according to his Facebook page, Paul Ryan's listening session location was changed to Craig High School auditorium. The council chambers are anticipated to be too small for the number of people likely to show up. Are you going?
Thanks for the correction, Yuri. This posting started as a draft from several weeks ago and I missed the change in location.
I hope to be in attendance.
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