Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Will Junior Hockey Team Skate Right In?

A group of organizers are considering the Janesville Ice Arena for the home of a Junior A hockey team. Among the stipulations presented by the team to the city was the expansion of the concessions stand at a cost of $200,000, and the city “must” allow the sale of beer at the facility.

The last time a third party interest wanted to use a Janesville facility was back in May of 2007. After being approached by the semi-pro football team Gladiators, the city presented them with a short list of conditions that must be met first. Among them were.
JG Excerpt:
-- obtain at least $10 million in liability coverage, naming the school or city as one of those insured.
-- agree to reimburse the city for any "financial consequences of injuries to persons or property."
-- The city obtain additional property insurance to cover damage to the structure, with the user paying for the coverage, costing about $500.
-- contract for security services and staff - no volunteers-according to any police or school district requirement.
-- The city would be able to cancel with two hours' notice, and the user would be responsible for finding an alternative site.
-- The user would pay for the cost of cleaning the facilities, and the city could hire a private service for that purpose.
-- The city could cancel the agreement with five days' notice.
-- The user pay the city’s usual commercial rate for use of the structure, and would be responsible for any additional costs of using the structure.
In addition, the school district wanted $1,500 per game. Those demands from the city were justified, yet did not deal with the additional liabilities and problems that can arise from the sale of alcohol. Will the city be prepared to open the flood gates for beer sales at all entertainment events in the city. Will the team create a shuttle bus or designated drivers system for drunken fans? The Gladiators wanted to play only four games in the summer at Monterey, will the hockey team cover for the wear and tear on the Ice Arena that follows a 30 game season? How about a on-site EMS unit? Where does the Janesville media (Gazette) stand on alcohol? Who will pay? We’re barely getting started.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The new city manager is a big hockey fan. End of story.

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