But in a Gazette Editorial from October 18th , 2007, the newspaper charged that Gov. Jim Doyle dangled earmarks to Republicans in exchange for their vote approving his “compromise” budget.
JG Excerpt: (Oct, 2007)Yeah, sure. Doyle has no one to blame but himself if a blatant attempt to bribe Republicans nearly succeeds? If Doyle or any Democrat for that matter attempts to offer legislative deals to the other side, those spoils, according to the newspaper, are called regional political-pork favors. Doyle gets the blame, the lone legislator taking the bribe (Gazette term) in exchange for his allegiance gets the credit.
Doyle has no one to blame but himself for calling an unprecedented special session, including most of his tax increases in his "compromise" and then sweetening the deal with regional favors-political pork-in a blatant attempt to bribe Republicans.
Included was a $4 million soybean crusher in Republican Brett Davis’ district, a seat Democrats would love to claim. Davis was the lone Republican to vote for Doyle's plan.
JG Endorsement Editorial Excerpt:In GOP-land, when a single Republican sells his soul for pork in exchange for his support – why – the pork suddenly transforms itself into “angel investment capital” and serves as proof the legislator deserves credit for rising above party-line politics. Those rotten Democrats should be ashamed of themselves. You just can’t make this stuff up.
Those who suggest that Davis religiously toes the Republican Party line aren’t paying attention.
His was the lone Republican vote for a long-delayed state budget deal last year.
Note: The soybean crusher referenced in the Gazette article is actually a very expensive ($4 million) feasibility study!!

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