Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Community Out Of Touch At Ryan Fest

U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan talked mostly about energy and gas prices Monday at an African American Community forum held in Racine, Wisconsin.
Ryan Doing His Own Thang:
“He was trying to get his point across as a Republican by pitting the Democrats and the Republicans sides as too different,” -- constituent
Rep. Paul Ryan? Pitting Democrats against Republicans? Noooo.
“My experience has been a lot of people want to talk about energy and gas prices. My goal was to give constituents my plan on the issue and have them leave better informed.” -- Rep. Paul Ryan
Come on, pee-ple. GET with the PRO-gram.
In the middle of the forum, a woman asked Ryan about Racine’s economy. Ryan said he thinks the economy will remain in trouble, but that the answer goes back to fuel. He suggested lowering gas prices and reducing inflation as ways to fix the country’s apparent recession.
In case you haven't noticed all of the oil wells in south-eastern Wisconsin, what better reason to vote against the Farm Bill?
Ryan said drilling for U.S. oil would create between 50,000 and 100,000 jobs and would create...... to all your problems - see - if the democrats would only let us drill. Blame them.
“Fuel is very interconnected to the economy,” he said about his response. “It wasn’t me driving the issue, it was me answering questions.”
Ken Lumpkin, a local black community leader, helped host the event. After the forum, he said another community forum would be necessary to address additional issues of interest to the black community.

Memo to black community: Why bother?
More On Racine Forum Here.

More Ryan Here

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