Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Monday, February 04, 2008

Who Owns The liberal Media?

O’Reilly Excerpt:
And then there is ideology. Traditionally, the so-called mainstream media has leaned left. Retired anchormen like Walter Cronkite and Tom Brokaw now openly discuss their liberal beliefs, and former CBS commentator Bill Moyers is a flat-out far-left zealot.
But what does Bill O’Reilly have to do with true and genuine journalism? Genuine journalists and news reporters like Cronkite waited for their retirement before openly discussing their personal beliefs. Not O’Reilly. Can you imagine Walter Cronkite interviewing some teenager and telling him to “shut up!!” then calling him a “pinhead?” The point here also is that Bill O'Reilly is a full-blown card-carrying member of the liberal media. Much like most of the media including all the shows and hosts of Fox News Channel, most newspapers, radio shows and yes, even bloggers.

I know, I know what you’re thinking, that this guy at Rock Netroots has finally lost his mind. But bear with me just a moment. I mean liberal media as the “liberal media” - not the “Liberal media” with the capital “L”. There’s a huge difference. I mean liberal as in liberal economics or deregulation and as in the non-ideological definition of the word. Free speech is the major driving force in the liberal media and when professionals ground it in profits, they take it to it's limits.

Take Fox News Channel for instance. They openly mock their guests, laugh and joke about otherwise serious news developments and slant their presentation to suit whatever their objective (ideology) happens to be. They will say the wildest things, oftentimes their “news” anchors are on the cutting edge of a no-holds-barred use of insulting language and visuals bordering on pornography. They do this liberally.

There is no bottom to the depths they will plunge to addict you for your news entertainment dollars. Then they say “You decide” and they’re right, they’re selling. They are the most-watched "news," the ultimate in “liberal media,” not to be confused with Liberals or Liberal politics or “reality-bias,” they will tell you anything – for a buck. And they are very, very good at it.

To add more localism to this theme the editor of the Janesville Gazette wrote about the newspaper's tradition of endorsing political candidates......
JG Editor's Views:
And people will think what they want, regardless. After all we are the liberal media in many people's eyes, but we're lockstep conservatives to others - thanks to our generally conservative views on the Opinion page. We just can't win that debate, so we plan to just keep plugging away.
The key here is using the the word "liberal" as an adjective yet describing themselves as "conservatives." When one considers the political endorsements of the Janesville Gazette, for some reason, conservative doesn't come to mind. They've endorsed the likes of George W. Bush (twice!!), Mark Green for governor and of course Paul Ryan. They've picked Magnum over Baldwin and Van Hollen over Falk and refused to endorse Judy Robson because in their view, she's too liberal. The conservatives they've endorsed are directly responsible for doubling the national debt over a period of just seven years, for what took nearly 200 years to accumulate before. Conservatives? Not! But they're not Liberals either. Not by a long shot.

The Janesville Gazette is part of the liberal media because their free speech is grounded in profits. Not run by Liberals or Conservatives but by what Bill O'Reilly calls an ideology, and I might add an ideology that trickles down from the top.

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