Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Gazette: Blame Healthy Wisconsin For Budget Battle

The Janesville Gazette editorialized about the state budget debate, seemingly blaming both Republicans and Democrats equally for the apparent impasse. But that was as far as the editorial bi-partisanship went because no sooner after they blamed special interests and campaign fund-raisers, did they take another jab at Rep. Judy Robson and finally zero in on what they think is the problem – the Healthy Wisconsin Initiative.
JG Editorial Excerpt:
Can we afford to rehire art teachers, or should we cut positions? Should we fully staff our public safety departments, or should we lay off firefighters and police officers?
Did they forget something? After endorsing vicious Republican cutters for nearly every major elective position in Wisconsin government, only the editors at the Gazette have the gall to complain about the opportunity a democratic budget may bring. Just too, too funny to have such a problem.

For sure, had the Gazette’s political endorsements won, we would have had a Republican budget rammed through on July 1st. More teachers, police and firefighters would be cut – something they could all wish for and be proud of. Not this ugly disgraceful battle against the cutters. It’s just darn disrespectful to keep everybody hanging when they could all have been cut over a month ago, no questions asked.

And just when you think the oxycontin wore off, the editors suggest voters should watch the budget battle closely, but forget all the non-sense about cutting teachers, fire fighters and police. Those are just the small meaningless compromises, just focus on the Healthy Wisconsin debate.

Here’s an idea for all the local government officials in cities and towns around Rock County. Make all the necessary cuts in the form of layoffs as if Gazette endorsed Republicans controlled the assembly, senate and governor’s office. Sure, people might riot but just tell them to watch the budget battle closely and remember this come election time OR hang in there through the slugfest and maybe, just maybe the Democrats will prevail and restore some dignity, respect and jobs.

Those rotten Democrats, they are to blame for this wonderful impasse.

Side Note: Excluding a comment about school board member Bill Sodemann, Wednesday's Sound Off column did not contain one comment about the state budget delay or the Janesville teachers contract negotiations. Coincidence?

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