Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ed Show Video: Wisconsin Recall Is Big Test For The People

Ed Shultz hits the nail on the head. I'm guessing that I'm one of few political bloggers on the Left who would rather see the national DNC and national based unions stay out of our fight in Wisconsin. I know that might sound ludicrous, but from the beginning this was between the people of Wisconsin and a hostile governor who was elected under false pretenses, plotted a divide and conquer strategy on a constituency and eventually pimped the state to wealthy out-of-state special interests. Walker has admitted to deliberately pitting taxpayers against workers, communities against communities and neighbors against neighbors in his effort to win support. That's no way to govern.

From early on Walker and his political allies including Paul Ryan and the RNC have made this an ideological classwar fight. To them it never was about the state budget, job creation, unemployment numbers or the people of Wisconsin. Those are all merely convenient little sideshows to keep the natives grappling among themselves. At the same time, we can't fully disarm against Walker's money machine but if the people lose this fight because of money, or the lack of it - so be it.

But it won't be over. It will however send a signal to the rest of the country that there is much, much work to be done if the people are ever to retake control of our own destiny. If Walker wins, billionaires win. Everyone else loses. America loses. Momentum will then be on the republicans side and they will turn our nation into a full metal jacketed corporatocracy controlled by special privileged people who for no reason other than the power of their wealth, will impose their beliefs on the rest of us. We're already halfway there. Ohio beat them back and now this is our time to make a stand.

As Ed said on his show if Walker were to win, "It could set the template for defeating democracy and destroying our political system as we know it." Ed also mentions the attack on teachers in Janesville, watch it:


Anonymous said...

Hold on to your hat Lou - you are going down big time!

Lou Kaye said...

Don't worry about me anonymous, I won't be going anywhere. In fact, I relish a much larger fight.

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