Today is

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rock County: Wisconsin Enjoyed Higher Standards For Too Many Decades

Here is another gem from the documentary "As Goes Janesville." In the short segment below, you'll see Gov. Scott Walker taking part in a round table discussion with officials from the notorious economic development group, Rock County 5.0.

The action opens with Walker telling local officials about the major changes they can expect from his legislative budget proposals. The central players in this particular clip however are Beloit City Manager Larry Arft and Rock County Director of Economic Development James Otterstein as they identify the burdens of future economic development and suggest a remedy. The supporting cast are all the smiles and nods to what they had discussed.

The scene in the video is unedited from the original documentary. It needs little introduction or narration. However, it is easy to miss a single word or phrase that can dramatically change the context of what was said to that of what is heard. The original scene is followed by a short replay with subtitles and animation.

If you haven't seen the documentary "As Goes Janesville" by now, I urge you to get a copy and watch it - twice. It shows the mentality and wrongheaded plans of those working behind closed doors on economic development, not just in Rock County or Wisconsin, but in your own community as well.

Note: This posting is the independent perspective of its author and not affiliated in any way with the documentary or its creators.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see your take on the Gazettes 2020 vision magazine. Will you be posting that soon?

Lou Kaye said...

Yes. I'm got a few different drafts in progress but they need additional work. Stay tuned.

oldmoderate said...

Thank you for this brilliant insight. This is how these guys really think! They don't even see anything wrong with this!

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